
A spider infestation is not cause for alarm, but it is cause for concern. Almost all spiders are venomous. They use venom to stun their prey. This venom is usually not harmful to humans, but there is not reason to take chances. Furthermore, spider webs are extremely unsightly. If you work hard to keep your home clean, and most Huntsville and Madison residents do, a spider web or two or three could ruin an entire day’s work. Finally, arachnophobia is a legitimate and often debilitating fear. It’s also rather common. Chances are that someone on your circle of family and friends suffers from this condition.
For all these reasons, and more, if there are spiders in your home, you need to partner with A Plus Pest Control and get them under control. Females can lay thousands of eggs. So, where you see one or two, there are probably more. At A Plus, we use proven methods to reduce these pests and give you your life back.
Types of Spiders
Pests We Guarantee
- Black Widows: These spiders are common in the Southeastern United States, where the summers are warm and the winters are mild. These arthropods have telltale red hourglass shapes on their backs. They usually live near woodpiles, and they are aggressive when cornered.
- Brown Recluse: As the same implies, these rather dark spiders usually stick close to closets, little-used cabinets, and other dark, reclusive places. These venomous spiders are dangerous and can bite you. Brown recluse bites can cause both physical and psychological symptoms.
- House Spiders: If you have an older home, you probably have house spiders. In newer homes, these arthropods usually stick to garages and sheds. They have a hard time surviving in low-humidity environments where there are few insects. Quite unlike brown recluse spiders, house spiders often spin webs near light sources, like windows, to attract prey.
- Jumping Spiders: These arthropods are normally outdoors. That’s where more of their prey lives, and their vision is best in sunlight. In fact, these tiny critters have the best vision of any spider. These spiders normally do not spin webs or bite humans, but their presence is a sure-fire indicator of termites or another outdoor pest.
- Cellar Spiders: Cellar spiders love high humidity environments. They are often found near drains or in sink cabinets. They also often lurk in sheds, barns, and garages. Cellar spiders are not likely to bite.
- Wolf Spiders: These creatures do not spin webs. Instead, rather like jumping spiders, they use their speed to run down their prey. Both outdoors and indoors, they often seek shelter in and around firewood piles.
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