In the world today, there are roughly one million ants for every human being, or roughly 10 quadrillion ants. So, it is little wonder that there are ants in kitchens and other rooms throughout Huntsville. The shelter and food are just too much to pass up. For the most part, ants are rather easy to kill, but very hard to exterminate. They seemingly just keep coming.
At A Plus, our top-rated pest control team understands how ants live. That understanding helps us strike them where it hurts most. We don’t just randomly spray product. We treat the areas where ants gather. This approach is much more efficient and deals with the infestation at the root. Furthermore, this approach is also easier on your family. We only go where we need to go.

Types of Ants in Alabama
All ants may look the same to some pest control technicians, but they are not the same. However, all types of ants have some things in common. Their anatomy and physiology are much the same. And, when they come into your house, they usually seek food and shelter. These vulnerabilities give out professionals the edge they need to take on these pests. Some of the different types of ants in Alabama homes include:
- Crematogaster: Perhaps the most aggressive ant species is common in the Eastern United States. These ants often look for piles of moist wood outside. If they come inside, they prefer foam insulation and other such shelter. If you have Crematogaster ants, it’s imperative to get rid of them quickly, especially if you have small pets or children.
Pests We Guarantee
- Linepithema humile: All ants leave bacteria trails to find their way around. More on that below. These trails are usually not very offensive, unless you have Linepithema humile These bacteria trails often leave a musty odor in a room. Furthermore, although these ants are not as aggressive as Crematogasters, they have been known to sting. These stings often trigger anaphylactic shock.
- Pachycondyla chinensis: Those first two species are very tiny and hard to detect until they sting or make themselves known in some other way. Pachycondyla chinensis ants are not much bigger. Asian needle ants are especially common in July and August.
- Paratrechina longicornis: Crazy ants, so named because they move around randomly when confronted, are the most aggressive home invading ants. They nest almost literally anywhere, from carpet to garbage to houseplants. Once a colony sets its sights on a house, the entire colony usually must be sestroyed.
- Brachymyrmex patagonicus: Individually, dark rover ants are perhaps the smallest kind of ant. Collectively, however, they gather in some of the largest ant colonies. When they come inside, they like being near people, which is why they often nest in kitchens and bathrooms.
- Myrmica rubra: Fire ants are not too common in Alabama, but that’s very small comfort to people who have infestations. During what passes for cold weather, fire ants usually come inside, looking for warmth and moisture. Contrary to popular myth, they usually only sting if threatened, but when they attack, they sting hard.
- Camponotus: When most people think of “ants,” they think of carpenter ants. They usually live near wood, because they excavate wood to make their nests. They sting if they are cornered, but carpenter ants are more physically destructive than anything else.
All these types of ants are more than just a nuisance. They track disease organisms throughout your home, putting people and pets at risk. And, as mentioned, many are aggressive stingers, at least in certain situations.
Ant Control
DIY methods for bed bug treatment will always fail nine times out of ten. That’s why it is important to leave it up to the professionals. Your first move is to call A Plus Pest Control.
Even if you kill the scout ant, more will follow. As mentioned, ants leave bacteria trails for other ants to follow. Furthermore, ants are relentless. Once they zero in on food or shelter, they will not stop until they get it.
The A Plus Approach
When our technicians arrive, many of our customers are surprised that they spend so little time inside. Ants and other pests come from the outside to the inside. And, we believe in attacking problems at their root.
Our outside treatment includes a treatment around the outside of your house. Ants may be relentless, but they usually prefer the path of least resistance. If your home is cut off, they will probably go to another house down the block. We also concentrate on common nesting areas. Even if the ants aren’t visible, we know where they are, and we know how to get rid of them.
We cannot treat for ants, termites, or other pests by ourselves. Homeowners are not just our customers. They are our partners. Almost inevitably, a few scout ants may find their way into your home. So, we help you know how to get rid of these pests, stopping infestations before they start. If you are overwhelmed, we offer complimentary re-treatments as needed.
Contact us now so you can enjoy a pest-free home this season.